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Messages posted by: gyan10  XML
Profile for gyan10 -> Messages posted by gyan10 [682] Go to Page: 1, 2, 3  ...  44, 45, 46 Next 
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I am not sure about your version of Big Memory. However you can use TMC ( Terracotta management console ) to monitor off heap utilization.

yes, you have set overflow to disk=false. so as soon as your memory fills up with 40000 records. Cache start eviction fro memory. So only 40K records can store in heap memory.
Please set overflow to disk =true.

Hope this will help.
Good to hear that you got your answer.

You can use Terracotta BigMemory Max which provides upto 8 Gb free distributed in-memory.
BigMemory is as easy as adding a JAR file and changing as few as 2 lines of configuration. Since BigMemory uses Ehcache’s get/put API — the Java de facto standard — it typically doesn't require changes to your code. Check out the Getting Started guides.
No, your understanding is correct that L1 works as a local cache where we try to read the data from and if it is not there (due to space constraints) we try to get it from TSA instead. However when localCacheDisabled is disabled that means you have disabled L1 cache so no data will be stored at L1.

when localCacheEnabled:
once the local caches get filled data flushes to L2(TSA).
Yes You can keep TB of data on L2. You can pin the cache.

•inCache – Cache data is pinned in the cache, which can be in any tier cache data is stored. The tier is chosen based on performance-enhancing efficiency algorithms. This option cannot be used with distributed caches that have a nonzero maxElementsOnDisk setting.
Please read Terracotta online doc creafuly to understand configuration details.

In case of localCacheDisabled, all the data goes to TSA and nothing will stay at L1.
In case of localCacheEnabled, your data remains at L1 heap and offheap.From your post, what I understand that You are trying to put 250 MB data in 64 mb and 1m offheap.So this is a sizing issue.You need to provide sufficient memory or some eviction policy to store this much data.You have also set "timeToIdleSeconds" and "timeToLiveSeconds" to 0. So nothing will evicted from L1. thats why I suggested to increase localheap and ofheap to store 250 MB of data. I suggest to set below config:
Its good to hear that you found your answer.
Thread closed.

You can use Trerracotta Jobstore to persist your data.
TerracottaJobStore can be ran clustered or non-clustered, and in either case provides a storage medium for your job data that is persistent between application restarts, because the data is stored in the Terracotta server. It's performance is much better than using a database via JDBCJobStore (about an order of magnitude better), but fairly slower than RAMJobStore.


Obsolutly, it works. You can hostname. Did you try that and facing any issue?

"Attempting to send a message (com.tc.net.protocol.delivery.OOOProtocolMessageImpl) of size 9201445 bytes
"It means client is trying to send objects of size 92 mb to server. you have multiple messages like this. it means that you are sending large objects to the server multiple times, which means it eats up the server heap.
Pinning to Local memory means Cache data is pinned to the local heap or local off-heap. Unexpired entries can never be flushed to a lower tier or be evicted.I can see in your config that you are not using BigMemory (Ofheap). I would suggest to pin the data to "localHeap".

Ideally, it should be.BigM GO is very fast. Could you share your configurations?
I dont see any reason it is not reaching 10K rec/sec.

That means you are not pinning data for this particular config.
You have also set "timeToIdleSeconds" and "timeToLiveSeconds" to 0 which means Element can idle and live for infinity.I would suggest to set some appropriate time and increase localheap size and and see the results.
you can get details documentation at Ehcache website:

For API details:

Can you try:
<property name="net.sf.ehcache.configurationResourceName" value="file:///home/hibernate/ehcache.xml" />

Hope this will help you.


You can see all the statistics,hit/miss ratio,object count etc via management-console provided in BigMemory Max release. you can find it at below location:
there is a ReadMe file which provides steps to start the console.
you can aslo obtain it programmatically.However management-console gives you lot of details.Please let me know if you want to obtain stats via program. I will let you know how to do it.

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