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TMC - There are no Cache Managers  XML
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Joined: 07/25/2013 07:08:35
Messages: 7


I am using BigMemory Max 4.0.2 and there are 2 problems I am facing in using TMC.

1. Once a new connection is created for monitoring then I am starting a client to create a cache manager and store data. Unless I stop the client I cannot see client details. I am interested in observing hit ratios while client is running.

2. Under Appication data there are no cache managers visible and a error message is displayed as "There are no Cache Managers" I understood cache manager as created by client application should be visible on this tab.

Any help on this will be great. Please see the attached doc file.

Amber Gupta
 Filename BigMemoryMaxTMC.doc [Disk] Download
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Joined: 03/20/2012 23:14:46
Messages: 95

Hello Amber,

amberg wrote:

1. Once a new connection is created for monitoring then I am starting a client to create a cache manager and store data. Unless I stop the client I cannot see client details. I am interested in observing hit ratios while client is running.

Yes, of course you should be able to see hit ratios and other statistics !
I assume you defined a clustered cache, and that the Terracotta Server Array you connected your clustered cache to is monitored by the Terracotta Management Console.
I also assume you waited at least few seconds for statistics to appear.
Now, I suggest you attach the logs of the tmc (found under bigmemory-max-4.0.2/tools/management-console/logs/xxx.stderrout.log) to this forum post, so that we can investigate what went wrong

amberg wrote:

2. Under Appication data there are no cache managers visible and a error message is displayed as "There are no Cache Managers" I understood cache manager as created by client application should be visible on this tab.

right , this is the same issue as 1.


Joined: 07/25/2013 07:08:35
Messages: 7

Hi Anthony,

Please find the attached log.
Please see tmc.log are few erros:

Failed to execute request : http://localhost:9888/tc-management-api/agents against agent LocalConnectionGroup_LocalConnection for this reason : Connection refused: connect

TMC is running on my local desk top and I am try to monitor an server running remotely on Solaris

 Filename tmc.log [Disk] Download
 Filesize 106 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  230 time(s)

 Filename 2013_07_26.stderrout.log [Disk] Download
 Filesize 4 Kbytes
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Joined: 03/20/2012 23:14:46
Messages: 95

Hello Amber,
Thanks for attaching the log.
The logs do not report any error, since you left configured the default connections (LocalConnectionGroup listening on localhost:9888 and LocalCluster listenign on localhost:9530) and added a new Cluster connection.
What I think is that your CacheManager was not configured to connect to your cluster (ie : there are no clients to the TSA)
Could you please make sure your ehcache configuration is configured to connect to the cluster (please attanch your ehcache configuration ehcache.xml)


Joined: 07/25/2013 07:08:35
Messages: 7


Attached is ehCachexml. Producer and Comsumer are two differenet clients to put and get values in distributed cache and they are working fine and by clients logs I can confirm connection were sucessful.

2013-07-26 16:26:04,945 INFO - Successfully loaded base configuration from server at 'XXX.droot.net:9510'.


 Filename ehcacheServerArray.xml [Disk] Download
 Filesize 669 bytes
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Joined: 03/20/2012 23:14:46
Messages: 95

Hello Amber,
Thanks for sending your configuration.
Your configuration looks valid regarding clustering.
Could you please give me the responses of such requests (in curl or a web browser) :





The 2 first ones are really important : is your cache manager connected to the TSA or not ?


Joined: 07/25/2013 07:08:35
Messages: 7

Hello Anthony,

Please see the attached document for output of all four URLs. Now I am running both server and TMC on same machine. I am not able to understand when a client is connected why I am not able to monitor local cluster. Please see the attached doc file.

In the mean time I have to run bigmemorymax and TMC in production enviroenment for which I have to request firewall opening for few ports.

Can you please let me know the full list of port numbers that are required for running server and TMC ?

9510 - server
9520 - jmx
9530 - http
9889 - TMC console.
XXXX - Any missing ones from the ablove list ?

I believe there are few other ports that are rerquired between Agents and TMC. If you can point me to any documentattion that will great.

Please also see the tc-config.xml that I am using in server bin directory.

 Filename BigMemoryMaxTMC-II.doc [Disk] Download
 Filesize 101 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  260 time(s)

 Filename tc-config.xml [Disk] Download
 Description TC config File
 Filesize 1 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  224 time(s)



Joined: 08/29/2013 19:51:34
Messages: 7


We are trying to migrate to bigmemory 4.0.2 and I am facing issues with tmc console. I am listing the setup and the issues that I am facing below. Currently I am starting the server and client locally.

I have started a bigmemory TC server. I have an application deployed in tomcat that has 'ehcache' implemented. I have a couple of CacheManagers where my caches are defined. I have implemented websessions and my client is successfully able to establish connection with the terracota server.

Firstly, while trying to start up the tmc from bigmemory4.0.2/tools/management-console.. I am getting a HTTP 503 error. On looking at the error log I am seeing the following error:
2013-08-29 19:23:33.401:WARN:oejw.WebAppContext:Failed startup of context o.e.j.w.WebAppContext{/tmc,file:/private/tmp/jetty-},/Users/subasu/Documents/Work/bigmemory-max-4.0.2/tools/management-console/webapps/tmc.war
at com.terracotta.management.config.Config.returnsAgentWithSameLocation(Config.java:178

I am therefore staring the tmc console from bigmemory 4.0.0. the console starts up fine and I can access the URL


Here I see the local cluster with the main TC server and my webapp client.
However I want to see all the caches adn the cache Manager.
I am seeing the following in ApplicationData:

There are no CacheManagers

bigServer [Stats] [Config] Active
Connected Clients
localhost:64539 ClientID[1] [Stats] [Config]

Can you please tell me why I am not able to startup tmc from bigmemory4.0.2 which is the version I am using for development. Also, how can I see the cachemanagers and caches.


Joined: 02/04/2013 10:00:28
Messages: 13

We are also trying to migrate to bigmemory 4.0.3 (from terracotta 3.7) and are having a similar issue. When the TSA is experiencing a high volume of puts, the TMC gives connection errors or displays "There are no CacheManagers". I've gone to the following URLs when this is happening and not happening:


I've noticed that when I'm experiencing issues in TMC, the first URL only responds with this:
 version: "4.0.3",
 agentId: "LocalCluster",
 agencyOf: "TSA",
 rootRepresentables: {
 urls: "http://<TSA_SERVER>:9530"

while when I'm not having issues, there's a second entry for the ehcache client, like this:

 version: "4.0.3",
 agentId: "LocalCluster",
 agencyOf: "TSA",
 rootRepresentables: {
 urls: "http://<TSA_SERVER>:9530"
 version: "2.7.3",
 agentId: "LocalCluster$<CLIENT>_58672",
 agencyOf: "Ehcache",
 rootRepresentables: { }
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