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In our case we are not using App server that means we cannot use the JTA transaction properties:
Could some one let me know if there is any way to integrate Quartz with Hibernate to use the same DataSource which is used by Hibernate EntityManager for persistence and running the Quartz jobs in web server transaction context?
Ramesh Kesavanarayanan
In fact FYI, I started to use EJBTimer as an alternative initially before venturing into Quartz and I see the same kind of behaviour of "cannot synchronize" the user transactions.
I some how read it in the post that the file "" in the package
has the following lines of code
public static final String DEFAULT_USER_TX_LOCATION = "java:comp/UserTransaction";
which needs to be changed to
public static final String DEFAULT_USER_TX_LOCATION = "UserTransaction";
and that should solve the issue, but the problem is that I am not able to compile the source.
I did not get your answer. Could you eloborate on this?
Yes, I am using weblogic 10.0 with hibernate.
Problem is that I have a stateless Session Bean which calls the job to insert / update a record into the database.
This job then internally invokes the Hibernate Sessions to do this.
But the problem here is when I do the same way as you have said, I get an exception stating that "UserTransaction" not bound.
I changed the property in the
org.quartz.scheduler.wrapJobExecutionInUserTransaction = true
but then also I am not able to synchronize my transactions with that of the hibernate transactions. Wondering if you have any reference or pointers to the same.
I am trying to integrate Quartz with Hibernate (no SPRING). But when ever I do this, I get UserTransaction exceptions.
Is there a reference implementation for Quartz integration with just Hibernate alone??
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