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Terracotta express (standard) with Spring webflow and Spring security  XML
Forum Index -> Terracotta for Spring
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Joined: 01/25/2012 05:09:22
Messages: 9

Hi Dear Terracotta forum,

In short:
My question is: How should configuration for clustering Spring WebFlow/Security for Terracotta Express look like? (We have problems with finding documentation/examples/anything).

A little bit longer:
It seems that this question is still unanswered (see http://forums.terracotta.org/forums/posts/list/6143.page), so I will repeat it. We need this reply desperately...

1. SpringWebFlow issues: when I am taking down one server on which one user was inside a flow (spring web flow) and after the other server will take over, the user will get an exception after next request inside in a flow (first one which is going to the second server). Which looks like that spring-web-flow is not clustered.

2. SpringSecurity issues: it seems that SessionRegistry is not clustered. With only one server it is impossible to log in to our application from two different browsers (one of the sessions will be invalidated). But when running two nodes, it is sometimes possible to do that -> Probably SessioRegistry on first node knows nothing about the SessionRegistry on the other instance. Which implies that Security related beans are not clustered.

My questions are:
1. How should configuration for clustering Spring WebFlow/Security for Terracotta Express look like?
2. How can we verify that Spring bean are clustered? Can we user Terracotta Developer console to do that?
3. Where can I find any working example (or documentation) of clustering Spring based application for Terracotta Express (Standard). The only resource I could find was this:
but this is related to Terracotta DSO which we are not using.
4. Is it possible to enable some debugging information in Terracotta which will show me what modules are enabled and what is actually clustered?

Any input and ideas are welcome!

Best regards
Marek Dominiak


Joined: 01/25/2012 05:09:22
Messages: 9

Some additional information:

We are using:
- Terracotta 3.5.4 (Express)
- Spring 3.1.0
- Spring Security 3.1.0
- Spring WebFlow 2.3.0
- Tomcat 6.0.35 (two nodes)

As we understand, Terracotta Express does not need any additional configuration (enabling TIM-modules, adding configuration related to DSO) to enable clustering of SpringSecurity/SpringWebFlow. Is that correct?

Terracotta config:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <tc:tc-config xmlns:tc="http://www.terracotta.org/config"
     <property name="l2.db.factory.name" value="com.tc.objectserver.storage.derby.DerbyDBFactory" />
     <!-- Terracotta Server (L1) -> Terracotta Client (L2) -->
     <property name="l1.healthcheck.l2.ping.enabled" value="true" />
     <property name="l1.healthcheck.l2.ping.idletime" value="5000" />
     <property name="l1.healthcheck.l2.ping.interval" value="1000" />
     <property name="l1.healthcheck.l2.ping.probes" value="3" />
     <property name="l1.healthcheck.l2.socketConnect" value="true" />
     <property name="l1.healthcheck.l2.socketConnectTimeout" value="5" />
     <property name="l1.healthcheck.l2.socketConnectCount" value="10" />
     <!-- Terracotta Client (L2) -> Terracotta Server (L1) -->
     <property name="l2.healthcheck.l1.ping.enabled" value="true" />
     <property name="l2.healthcheck.l1.ping.idletime" value="5000" />
     <property name="l2.healthcheck.l1.ping.interval" value="1000" />
     <property name="l2.healthcheck.l1.ping.probes" value="3" />
     <property name="l2.healthcheck.l1.socketConnect" value="true" />
     <property name="l2.healthcheck.l1.socketConnectTimeout" value="5" />
     <property name="l2.healthcheck.l1.socketConnectCount" value="10" />
    <server name="localhost" host="localhost">

Marek Dominiak


Joined: 06/28/2011 23:15:25
Messages: 701

Hi Dominiak,

article in below links explains step by step to configure Terracotta and webflow.There is a working example. You can try out that and compare your config setting with example. Yes, Express mode do not need any addition TIM.

hope this will help. If not, please provide all your configs.


Gyan Awasthi
Terracotta -A Software AG company
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