Joined: 11/05/2013 20:18:00
Messages: 12
Dear all,
My tools:Terracotta-3.7.5;Jboss-as-7.1.1;terracotta-session-1.3.5.jar;terracotta-tooolkit-1.6-runtime-5.5.0.jar. The two jars come from terracotta-3.7.5.
My goal is create a cluster by teracotta and jboss.
The start up clustering's steps:
1. start up the terracotta server
2. start up the jboss server
3. start up the dev-console.bat in the %tc_home%\bin
I can find that the terracotta server and the jboss server client start up successfully in the dev-consle.
But i find the client's Config have not loaded the
and my web can't sharing the Objects
what's the problem? Thanks!