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Thanks guys for your replies
I appreciate
I will read carefully the link
Best Regards
Hello gkeim
Thanks for the reply
Of course, java doesn't know anything about the -f option.
Thats right, a try of many types of configurations of my first post about to start the client
Do you want your client to get its config from the server (-Dtc.config=localhost:9510) or do you want to explicity specify a local config file? You seem to be trying to do both
Is mandatory use only one way right?
thanks for the "-Dtc.config" sample, I see now my confusion.
where I can see all the possible parameters for "Dtc" ?
a command option like help or some link from Terracotta?
Also, you say you're using 1.6 but you are specifying a 1.5 boot jar.
It seems that I keep the old result value before install the jdk1.6, but even with that, exists a unique jar in lib/dso-boot (1.5 version)
If you just kept to using dso-java, you wouldn't have this trouble as it ensures the proper bootjar is built and used.
I know that dso-java has its own control of some variables, therefore when is mandatory
use java -Xbootclasspath/p ?
Thanks in advanced
Hello guys
Thanks both you for the replies
About gkeim
Sounds like you have another running process holding the config file open. Windows doesn't like that.
Thats right, windows shouldnt put its hands in this.
I did this, the same application from windows (of course with the same pom.xml) was executed in Linux Fedora Core 5 and works fine!, the unique difference is that in my windows I work with maven 2.1.0 and in Linux 2.0.9
I will test maven 2.0.9 in windows, would be this a bug?
About tgautier
Do you mean tc:run? I do not believe our maven plugin supports a tc:client command.
yes, typo error, is mvn tc:run .
But my previous paragraph happens
Thanks for your time amiller
Dear Members
(I tried this in maven forums but no help yet, perhaps from Terracotta side I hope have better results)
I am trying to work in peace about terracotta/maven integration
follow part of my configuration
<!-- used by tc:bootjar -->
<!-- <overwriteBootjar>true</overwriteBootjar> -->
<!-- <bootJar>target/bootjar.jar</bootJar> -->
<!-- used by tc:start and tc:stop so DSO server could outlive mvn process -->
<!-- <spawnServer>true</spawnServer> -->
I can start the server
mvn tc:start
without problems,
but if I try to start the client
mvn tc:client, I receive this error
[INFO] [jar:jar]
[INFO] Building jar: D:\java\maven-projects\distributedspring\target\distributed
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error assembling JAR
Embedded error: Problem creating jar: El proceso no tiene acceso al archivo porque
otro proceso tiene bloqueada una parte del archivo
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Sat Jun 20 06:32:50 COT 2009
[INFO] Final Memory: 12M/21M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The spanish part
El proceso no tiene acceso al archivo porque otro proceso tiene bloqueada una parte del archivo
would be translated to
The process has no access to the file because other process has block a part of the file
Of course that the server is the other process
How I can resolve this?
Thanks in advanced
Hello Guys
I have Terracotta server 3.0.1
JDK 1.6 update 14
To startup the server
%TERRACOTTA_HOME%/bin/start-tc-server.bat -f D:\java\maven-projects\myproject\target\classes\tc-customerconsole-wo-spring.xml
all starts fine
now to see my jvm environment
%TERRACOTTA_HOME%/bin/dso-env.bat localhost:9510
Results in this (multiple lines for better presentation)
Now I tried these options to start the client but see the sad results
(multiple lines for better presentation)
java -Xbootclasspath/p:"D:\java\terracotta\terracotta-3.0.1\bin\..\lib\dso-boot\dso-boot-hotspot_win32_150_16.jar"
-f D:\java\maven-projects\myproject\target\classes\tc-customerconsole-wo-spring.xml
-cp classes com.jordan.myproject.MainWithoutSpring
Unrecognized option: -f
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
changing to -Dtc.f
java -Xbootclasspath/p:"D:\java\terracotta\terracotta-3.0.1\bin\..\lib\dso-boot\dso-boot-hotspot_win32_150_16.jar"
-Dtc.f D:\java\maven-projects\myproject\target\classes\tc-customerconsole-wo-spring.xml
-cp classes com.jordan.myproject.MainWithoutSpring
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.Integer.getAndRemoveCacheProperties()V
at java.lang.System.initializeSystemClass(Unknown Source)
java -Xbootclasspath/p:"D:\java\terracotta\terracotta-3.0.1\bin\..\lib\dso-boot\dso-boot-hotspot_win32_150_16.jar"
-Dtc.f D:\java\maven-projects\myproject\target\classes\tc-customerconsole-wo-spring.xml
-Dtc.cp classes com.jordan.myproject.MainWithoutSpring
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.Integer.getAndRemoveCacheProperties()V
at java.lang.System.initializeSystemClass(Unknown Source)
java -Xbootclasspath/p:"D:\java\terracotta\terracotta-3.0.1\bin\..\lib\dso-boot\dso-boot-hotspot_win32_150_16.jar"
-cp classes com.jordan.myproject.MainWithoutSpring
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.Integer.getAndRemoveCacheProperties()V
at java.lang.System.initializeSystemClass(Unknown Source)
Therefore, what is
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.Integer.getAndRemoveCacheProperties()V
at java.lang.System.initializeSystemClass(Unknown Source)
and how I can resolve that?
Thanks in advanced
Thanks guys for the reply
but in your link, where is the section to download the source code
about the old release?
Dear Members
I see that in
only Terracotta 3.0 series is available
I dont see a link about old releases
From which link would be available these old release?,
like terracotta-generic-2.7.1.tar.gz
Thanks in advanced