Joined: 03/03/2013 11:56:43
Messages: 2
Hello there,
I´ve got some doubts about licensing TerraCotta.
Does anybody can help me?
Does the server use one license or my licenses are only for clients?
should I use the same license on server and on client?
This is my license:
# This software license, granted by Terracotta Inc., is valid for and may only be used
# by the licensee of this product ("Licensee").
# Descriptor version: 3
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capabilities: DCV2, TMC, authentication, ehcache, ehcache offheap, operator console, search, server array offheap, server striping
Date of Issue: 2013-03-28
Edition: FX
License Number: 999999999 Production and HotStandby
License Type: Commercial
Max Client Count: 4
Product: Ehcache
ehcache.maxOffHeap: 2000G
terracotta.serverArray.maxOffHeap: 2000G
Signature: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Basing upon this information, I can connect 4 or 2 clients?
The license is the same for Production and HotStandby.
Thanks in advance.