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Queries Regarding Terracotta DSO  XML
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Joined: 07/28/2006 04:22:53
Messages: 9


I have following queries regarding using the Terracotta DSO

1) Is there any defined way to use Terracotta with maven 2.

2) Which are the .jar files which are required by the Terracotta client or do we need to add the whole lib folder which we get in Terracotta Installation.

3) Whether the dso_boot_jar and other jar files in the lib for running terracotta client in Linux and Windows are different or we can use the same in both environment.

kindly reply asap.



Joined: 07/06/2006 10:27:12
Messages: 9

Hi Sachin,

1. Can you give some more details what you are trying to do with Maven? You do not have to compile your code with Terracotta jar files. Terracotta jar files are only used at runtime.

2. All the jar files in the lib folder are needed to run Terracotta client. This folder is specified using the "-Dtc.lib" argument. They are not needed in the classpath. All this is done automatically if you replace "java" with "dso-java". If you want to modify an existing script the command line would be something like:

java -Xbootclasspath/p:"c:\tc\lib\dso-boot\dso-boot-hotspot_win32_150.jar" -Dtc.lib="c:\tc\lib" -Dtc.config="tc-config.xml" -classpath [YourClassPath] [YourMainClass]

3. The boot jar files are platform specific.

Field Engineer


Joined: 07/28/2006 04:22:53
Messages: 9

Hi Arvind,

Thanks for you prompt reply.

We have an application for which we are planning to add Terracotta support. The application build, packaging and deployment are automated using Maven. The reason I asked this question was because the Terracotta jars need to defined as dependencies in the application's pom.xml.

Since there are so many jars, I was wondering if there's a "good-practice" for the same.

The option that we have currently is to rename each jar so it conforms to the maven naming convention and deploy it in our internal repository. Needless to say, this would become pretty tedious.

We also have to think of something for the platform-specific jars.



Joined: 07/06/2006 10:27:12
Messages: 9

Hi Sachin,

You could treat the Terracotta jar files the same way you treat the jar files that are part of your application server (Tomcat, Weblogic etc.) because Terracotta is really part of your runtime environment and not your development environment.

Hope that helps.

Field Engineer
Terracotta Inc.
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